First comes love.
Maybe it's... first comes coffee?
No no....
First comes infatuationary love.
You know, that first sip.
Then comes all in; chugged.
Now here comes the baby in the... now now.. slow your roll.
Now comes the burn.
Ready to feel?
then comes question.
then comes fear.
then comes quit.
then comes hide.
then comes shame... maybe from clutching.
then comes loss.
then comes grief...
of a human connection that opened the dams of the pulmonary vessels that fed the cardiac pump until it was puh puh puh puh... pumped back to its full capacity to live again.
Eureka!! The Biodiversity that coursed through this body made her feel like the Jungle.
The remnants of the dam that had been washed away were easily placed back as they had only been stored on the banks of the right and left lungs.
One by one the bricks begin to block the flow. A stream still trickling through, no longer feeding the vibrant oceanic heart, rather being lost down the cushion of the zygomatic bone of the surfaced face.
A leaky valve draining the heart that fed her.
Then comes a false acceptance.
Back to the power of the mind no longer lost in the depths of the mystery of love to where the waters will go.
She yearns for the mystery but accepts history in order to learn how to climb these dams that block the river's flow.
*Grand Coulee, Little Goose, Lower Granite, Hoover, Oroville, Ice Harbor, Lower Monumental
She builds her body, climbs new heights...
becomes the brick carrying the precious carcassed heart blindly.
Love will find its way.
In honor of the salmon that have been damned and giving thanks to all that serve this phenomenal planet.
*Dams of existence