:creation of heat before an event / coined by Professor Tim Noakes
Lewis Pugh, an endurance swimmer most notably in sub-zero waters, got me thinking…
Now I personally love… scratch that, crave cold water swims so to be honest, my initial “Why” is because it feels downright awesome. As I am fresh in the field of, “Start with Why,” by Simon Sinek, I am an eager investigator of (post book) everyone’s, “Why.”
Don’t fret - Love Languages is like 70 books ago
Number 14, Swimmer Lewis willingly gave me his, “Why,” in regards to navigating movement in sub-zero waters:
“....I swim to carry a message about the state of our oceans. I’m swimming in places, which until recently were frozen over. Our polar regions are under serious threat. That’s why I swim in them.”
Lewis Pugh and a team of others started the Lewis Pugh Foundation which has played a major role in fully protecting over 2 million km^2 of endangered oceans with a goal to ensure that 30% of our oceans are properly protected by 2030. Maybe I do want to know his love languages…
In Search and Rescue you learn that number one is “me” / two “you” / and three “patient.”
I am a huge advocate for finding what makes you feel good, from there find a team that will be in your foxhole (or icehole) and lastly go out and advocate for the larger picture.
When you find the ways in which this Planet truly fulfills you (and that is entirely personal) - make it your mission to protect, nourish and dedicate your life (yes, life) to it.
I believe our Planet speaks to us all in different niches - the way you may yearn for the Mountain, is the way I long for the Ocean, is the way he crumbles for the Dune.
Our Planet is wise; listen to that palpitater, take care of your needs for they are….
Appreciation to Jordan Flesner for taking the time to capture such hugely happy times in my life with other uniquely underwater divine dwellers. Thank you.