He falls in love with her autonomy, finds her waves sexy, corals sharpened with an alluring wit, evolution intelligent; then sings out to her, "who could ever let you go?"
....ends up to only giving her all of the reasons to let him go.
He makes her do the hard work in vulnerability and fight.. reassure him of her dedication, love and offers the whispered forgiveness.
She tides away yesterday's mess and illuminates the dawning sun through her depths of reflective hours from the night's past.
Shores up crashing with passion to only find a stranded corpse.
She retreats to her familiar home, scuttling quickly where Exo and Skeletons find refuge: inside.
Deep inside.
Surrounded by decay and death.
They were both, ghosts all along, looking for a body.
Never really there, but Caspered enough to make one another believe their friendly ghosts did exist.
A ghost cannot live in a body so they will continue on this journey singing out an empty song on the edge of darkness; invisibly invincible.
"Do not let me go."
When letting go of the mental kick, we settle to realize:
One cannot hold onto something that is not there.
I fall to find that my ghost, has a wickedly Beautiful imagination.
Thank you Waters for supporting the human tread, suspension and free fall.
Thank you for keeping us humble & present through the inconsistent forces of your currents.
and finally... thank you for bringing us all back together again when this is all over.