Dear Mom,
You are beautiful.
Thank you for your unconditional love.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Thank you for the sweet pillow case, rose spray… and my strong hands.
Thank you for reading my blog posts & checking in when they get dark.
Thank you for reading my blog posts & reciting back the lines you love.
Thank you for being a reader.
Thank you for being a lifelong investigator.
Thank you for being my Mom.
Thank you for your tenderness and toughness.
Thank you for learning about the phases of food swings I trial.
Thank you for knowing more about the places I live in than I do.
Thank you for allowing.
Thank you for being consistent with your tones.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for being a Mother.
Thank you Mom.
I love you.
I love honeybees.
I love going to the farm with you.
I love curling up in your lap.
I love playing “In the Kitchen with Michelle,” with you.
I love singing loudly for you.
I love walking the streets with you.
I love comparing sleep hours with you.
I love you.
ps i still sing loudly to myself, daily.