Choices. It's Saturday night... peanut m&ms are a gas station away (a generic term for what I really want = Alaska's Wild Scoops waffle cone...I've been going triple scoop as of late).
I'm not feeling the greatest... probably a combination of reconnecting with a former love, long COVID (huh?), leg day (deadlifts), and ya know... being human. Woman. Let's not forget ladies - hormones. We have a symphony of these that love to just run rampant at certain points in the month. cooooool. Oh Earthly twister I bow to thee.
So I am given a choice - go for the Scoops again or make a different choice. Can my choice somehow put a kink in this cycle and beat this funk?
I close my lids and assess while sitting in Comet (my black Toyota) ((well technically still Toyota's)) - okay...
"My brain likes the colors of sweet treats, the high feeling I get from letting it melt in my mouth as I square up my next lick, the way my heart starts to beat a little faster as I catch the leaky bottom drip (tiny wins from staying in the clean pant club), and the texture honestly." "Alright AL.... that lasts all about 3 minutes if I force myself to chill..." - "Not sustainable."
Remember the last post about "Carrie" ya'll... how can I trick my brain into providing it this same experience except minus the sugar crash and wanting... MORE. haha.
Of course, go to Willy Wonka's Factory.
The lessons I taught to the Elementary Kids about decision making has really been beneficial to me a year later. *Hang in there parents, your kids do listen.
1. Brain liked the colors.
Science Commercial Break
Eye anatomy - Cones are responsible for color. Rods are responsible for shades of grey.
2. Brain liked the high feeling I got from literally being high... off the ground.
3. Brain liked the way my heart started to beat a little faster as my fingers gripped the tiny nub preventing me from an unexpected fall... no tongue to catch me there :-P
4. And yes, the texture of the wall...look at that thing! Ya'll remember candy buttons.
Even though my climb only lasted 25 minutes as my energy reserves told me no more... I was able to "crash" that night because my body had a sober director aka my inner big adult.
Parenting has been coming into my field lately, has me reflecting.
Dogs and kids are seeking role models that model healthy choices.
"According to Bandura's social cognitive learning theory, observational learning can affect behavior in many ways, with both positive and negative consequences." Choices.
Trust this.. you are a part of a bigger picture. Your choices do matter; from the lick of a cone, your bedtime, music, friends, lovers, thoughts, and "On and On..." insert Erykah Badu.
Yep... and you are still human ;)
So lick the cone and climb the wall.